A once in a lifetime opportunity to contribute to the establishment of a new
Jewish compartment in Devenish Cemetery, country Victoria. Fence panels can be purchased at $120 each. You can dedicate a name which will also be placed on a plaque at the
entrance way to the compartment.
Just click the following button to buy a fence panel now...
Current Draft Plaque
With thanks to: R'Leor Broh (Eliyasaph Broh a'h); Debbie Freeman (Moshe Yoseph Eisenberger a'h); Israel Cohen; David Waysman (Chana, Racheli and Devorah Waysman); Binyomin Susskind (Boaz Susskind); Mary Kishenevsky (Solomon and Ella Kishenevsky); Shana Rona (Shlomo ben Pesach Braunstein a'h; Leah bas Naftali Wolf Braunstein a'h); Motty Tenenboim (Tenenbaum Family); Naomi Rafael (Tema Miriam Bas Meir Shimshon a'h Kotek); Michelle Coleman (Miriam Coleman a'h); Paul Cylich; Rabbi Gewirtz; David Bracka; Sam Kazatsky; Joanne Levy