Thursday 15 August 2024

Shabbos Tzetl: Va'etchanan & Nachamu

5:28pm - Candle Lighting, Friday
6:26pm - Havdalah, Saturday
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status: TBA
Good Shabbos!

Yeshiva times, TBA 

Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11
The name of the Parshah, "Va'etchanan," means "I entreated," and it is found in Deuteronomy 3:23.

Moses tells the people of Israel how he implored G‑d to allow him to enter the Land of Israel, but G‑d refused, instructing him instead to ascend a mountain and see the Promised Land.

Continuing his "review of the Torah," Moses describes Exodus from Egypt and the Giving of the Torah, declaring them unprecedented events in human history. "Has there ever occurred this great thing, or has the likes of it ever been heard? Did ever a people hear the voice of G‑d speaking out of the midst of the fire . . . and live? . . . You were shown, to know, that the L‑rd is G‑d . . . there is none else beside Him."

Moses predicts that in future generations the people will turn away from G‑d, worship idols, and be exiled from their land and scattered amongst the nations; but from there they will seek G‑d, and return to obey His commandments.

Our Parshah also includes a repetition of the Ten Commandments, and the verses of the Shema, which declare the fundamentals of the Jewish faith: the unity of G‑d ("Hear O Israel: the L‑rd our G‑d, the L‑rd is one"); the mitzvot to love G‑d, to study His Torah, and to bind "these words" as tefillin on our arms and heads, and inscribe them in the mezuzot affixed on the doorposts of our homes.

Isaiah 40:1–26
This week's haftorah is the first of a series of seven "haftarot of Consolation." These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha B'Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah.

This section of Isaiah begins with G‑d's exhortation to the prophets: "Console, O console My people . . . Announce to Jerusalem that her period of exile has been fulfilled and that her sins have been forgiven."

Isaiah's prophecy describes some of the miraculous events that will unfold with the onset of the messianic era, such as the return of the exiles to Jerusalem, the revelation of G‑d's glory, and the rewards and retribution that will then be meted out.

The prophet then goes on to comfort the people, describing G‑d's power and might, and reassuring them of His care for His people.


Moses said to G‑d: Master of the Universe! Joseph's bones are entering the Land, and I shall not enter?

Said G‑d to him: He who admitted to his land is buried in his land; and he who did not admit to his land shall not be buried in his land. Joseph admitted to his land when his master's wife said (Genesis 39:14), "See, they have brought us a Hebrew man . . . ," and he did not deny it; on the contrary, he said (ibid. 40:15), "I was abducted from the land of the Hebrews." Therefore, he shall be buried in his land. You, however, did not admit to your land when the daughters of Jethro said (Exodus 2:19), "An Egyptian man rescued us from the shepherds," and you heard this and were silent. Therefore, "you shall not cross this Jordan."

(Midrash Rabbah)

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