Wednesday 31 July 2024

AJFN Understanding Endo event

Thurs 8 Aug

Jewish jewellery

$25 each
Beside the pray $29
And the yellow pin $10
Pick up Caulfield or can be delivered if near by

Halacha Guide: 9 Days 5784

Please click here for a PDF containing laws and customs of the Nine Days (not including Tishah B'Av).

Please remember the following before Rosh Chodesh begins (sunset of Sunday Evening, which is 5:35pm in Melbourne):
To "pre-wear" all required garments

This is in addition to the general restrictions of the Three Weeks, which can be viewed on our website here.

With thanks to Rabbi Lesches of Young Yeshivah for compiling and sharing this with us.

Property: Seeking 5+ bedroom residence for rent

We are looking to rent a 5+ bedroom residence in the Caulfield North / St. Kilda East areas (privately or via an agent). Please be in touch if you have any leads.

Farbrengen 29 Tammuz

Private tutor, primary school

Sunday 28 July 2024

Property: Couple looking for apartment (Tishrei)

Young couple looking for an apartment in Melbourne for the 27th of September - End of October (Tishrei). Please call with any leads. thanks!

Massive Garage Sale, Judaica and more

Next Sunday 4/8/2024 from 10-3pm at 89 Bealiba Road, South Caulfield. Ladies clothing, shoes, handbags, jewellery, many fashion hats, ornaments, kitchenware, books, lamps, paintings, garden ware, tools, furniture, Judaica, paintings and much more. Owner downsizing, further discount for cash.
0402 092 226

Handyman Services

For all your handyman jobs I am your man. No job too small. No call out fees. Over 40 years experience (ex UK).
Moshe Sadia, 0451930432 
Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Saturday 27 July 2024

SCHC - Bess Hymans Lunch & Learn with Ilnana Maizels

Invitation - Weekly Women's Zoom Shiur 28/7/24

You are invited to join our interactive women's study group exploring foundations of Judaism.
This week, we will be exploring 
'* Insights into the Three Weeks*'
When: Sunday July 28th, 2024
Time: 6pm-7pm
Speaker: Zipporah Oliver O.A.M.
In memory of Mrs Raizl Cylich OBM
Please join on Zoom: Meeting ID: 892 0846 8031
Passcode: 613770
Enquiries: 0438-345-770
I look forward to seeing you then!
Warmest regards,

Upcoming events at Caulfield Shule

9 August
AUJS & Caulfield Shule Present 
Shabbat Dinner for University Students


Next Friday:Sushi & Drinks at 5:45pm

Thursday 25 July 2024

Shabbos Tzetl: Pinchas

5:10pm - Candle Lighting, Friday
6:11pm - Havdalah, Saturday
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status: TBA
Good Shabbos!

Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel (may not be ready at time of publication, please contact Yeshiva Shule for any issues). Please click here to view the PDFs of Weekly Publications.

Numbers 25:10–30:1
The name of the Parshah, "Pinchas," refers to Phineas, who zealously avenged G‑d's name, and it is found in Numbers 25:11.

Aaron's grandson Pinchas is rewarded for his act of zealotry in killing the Simeonite prince Zimri and the Midianite princess who was his paramour: G‑d grants him a covenant of peace and the priesthood.

A census of the people counts 601,730 men between the ages of twenty and sixty. Moses is instructed on how the Land is to be divided by lottery among the tribes and families of Israel. The five daughters of Tzelafchad petition Moses that they be granted the portion of the land belonging to their father, who died without sons; G‑d accepts their claim and incorporates it into the Torah's laws of inheritance.

Moses empowers Joshua to succeed him and lead the people into the Land of Israel.

The Parshah concludes with a detailed list of the daily offerings, and the additional offerings brought on Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh (first of the month), and the festivals of Passover, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret.

Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 (Haftorah Mattot)

This week's haftorah is the first of a series of three "haftorot of affliction." These three haftarot are read during the Three Weeks of mourning for Jerusalem, between the fasts of 17 Tammuz and 9 Av.

Jeremiah recounts how G‑d appointed him as prophet — despite his initial reluctance to accept the task — and tells of the encouragement G‑d gave him to fulfill his crucial mission.

He then describes two prophetic visions he was shown. The first featured an almond tree branch. G‑d explained to Jeremiah that just like an almond tree is very quick to blossom, so too G‑d will carry out his plan — to punish the Jews for their sins — in due haste.

The second vision was that of a boiling pot whose foam was directed northward. G‑d explained that this was an allusion to the afflictions the Jewish people would suffer at the hands of the people from the north of the Holy Land, namely Babylon. G‑d will cause the kingdoms of the north to lay siege on Jerusalem and Judea and He will pass judgment on the Jewish people due to their abandonment of G‑d's ways and their idol worship.

G‑d then encouraged Jeremiah to deliver the prophecy and not to fear the Jewish populace who would certainly not take kindly to such harsh words.

The haftorah ends with a reassuring prophecy to the people: "Go and call out in the ears of Jerusalem, saying: so said G‑d: 'I remember to you the loving-kindness of your youth, the love of your nuptials, your following Me in the desert, in a land not sown. Israel is holy to G‑d, the first of His grain; all who eat him shall be guilty, evil shall befall them, says G‑d.'"


The daughters of Tzelafchad approached . . . (27:1)

When the daughters of Tzelafchad heard that the land was being divided among the tribes but not among the women, they convened to discuss the matter. They said: G‑d's mercy and compassion is not like the compassion of man. Mankind favors men over women. G‑d is not like that; His compassion extends to men and women alike.

(Yalkut Shimoni)

Submission to Emmanuel's? See here

This week on

Property: Seeking a rental home

5/6 bedroom house in East St Kilda, North Caulfield or Elsternwick (with or without an agent). Please contact 0422 718 026

Premium Lawn Care Services


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Looking to house sit

I am looking to house sit from 1st August for minimum of a month and maximum of 4 month.
I am an Israeli. 64 year old. Generally live on the Sunshine Coast and visiting my children in Melbourne.
Happy to look after pets, house or garden.

Property: Seeking a rental

I would like to rent a granny flat or similar private dwelling from 1st August until end of November 2024.
I am happy to cook, look after a pet, garden, or be a companion to an older person.
I am an Israeli in my 60s. I generally live on the Sunshine Coast, now visiting my children in Melbourne.

Finding Serenity in Times of Turbulence

Chabad Melbourne: The Online Mogul, Gabby Leibovich

Tuesday July 30th at 1.00pm
rsvp to attend

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Property: Short term accommodation available (1 mo minimum)

Private Kosher - Kitchen BnB  St Kilda East / Ripponlea Quiet, Charming, Fully furnished, available July to Sep (1 month minimum) - references required (May also be available during Holidays) Suitable for Single, Couple or Couple with child Contact Lea on What'sApp +61426844770

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Introduction to Starting a Small Business - AUGUST 2024

Ever wondered about being your own boss, but don't know where to start?
Whether you have an idea or not, join us for an introductory look at small business. Through engaging and interactive sessions, this introductory program explores the steps you need to consider as well as tools and tips to support your entrepreneurial journey. From exploring ideas and turning an interest into a business, to financial considerations and getting started, this series is a must for aspiring business owners. Through engaging interactive sessions you will gain knowledge about:

• How to get started
• Explore ideas and turn interest into a business
• Suitability for being a small business owner
• Financial considerations

When:     EVERY Wednesday 7 August - Wednesday 4 September 2024 (5 week series)
Time:      10am - 1.00pm
Venue:    Manders Villas, 311 - 313 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield          
Cost:        $60 (Subsidised places available)
Contact:  For registration and enquiries, please contact Efrat Goldberg at Jewish Care on 8517 5999 or

Introduction to Digital Literacy Basics for Life – AUGUST 2024

Today, we are faced with an online world providing endless information and opportunities, from shopping and business transactions to banking and job-hunting. The possibilities are limited only by the imagination - but for those new totechnology or need a confidence boost, it can be tricky to know where to start. This basic introductory course will provide participants with an understanding of:
  • general computer, internet and digital concepts, terminology and skills
  • the various ways to navigate the Internet
  • how to stay safe using digital technology, email and the most popular social media programs
  • how to recognise scams and other direct or indirect threats to you on-line
  • how to manage information that is collected on your computer or in other places like the "Cloud"
  • computer-based tools for banking, writing correspondence, collecting and filing information, looking for a job  etc.
To support your learning, each participant will  have access to a laptop computer during classes and will be provided with a comprehensive workbook to use as their personal ongoing reference.
Date:                EVERY Thursday 8 August - Thursday 5 September 2024 (5 week series)
Time:               10am – 1:00pm
Location:         Jewish Care - 619 St Kilda Road, Melbourne 3004
Cost:                $60 (Subsidised places available)
Register:         Contact Efrat on or 8517 5999

Saturday 20 July 2024

FREE Photography Session for the first 50 clients. MEMORY BLOCK STUDIOS

We are thrilled to announce a new addition to our family, our very own Photography Studio!
So here's your chance to grab a session. Whether it's a family portrait, a couple's session, pregnancy shoot, or newborn photography, our experienced photographers are dedicated to preserving your memories in the most meaningful and artistic ways possible.
For inquiries and bookings information, contact us today!

Halacha Guide: 17 Tammuz and 3 Weeks 5784

Please click here for a Halacha Guide relevant to 17 Tammuz and the 3 weeks.

Also, a reminder to arrange the following before the Three Weeks begin (i.e. sunset of Monday Evening, which is 5:25pm in Melbourne):
1. Take any necessary haircuts
2. Purchase/wear any new clothing
3. Begin packing for any permitted journeys that will occur during the Three Weeks

With thanks to Rabbi Lesches of Young Yeshivah for compiling and sharing this with us.

Property: Short term accommodation available (1 mo minimum)

Private Kosher - Kitchen BnB  St Kilda East / Ripponlea Quiet, Charming, Fully furnished, available July to Sep (1 month minimum) - references required (May also be available during Holidays) Suitable for Single, Couple or Couple with child Contact Lea on What'sApp +61426844770

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Shabbos Tzetl: Balak

5:05pm - Candle Lighting, Friday
6:06pm - Havdalah, Saturday
(Melbourne Australia)
Eruv Status: TBA
Good Shabbos!

Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel (may not be ready at time of publication, please contact Yeshiva Shule for any issues). Please click here to view the PDFs of Weekly Publications.

Numbers 22:2–25:9
The name of the Parshah, "Balak," refers to Balak, king of Moab, and it is found in Numbers 22:2

Balak, the king of Moab, summons the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel. On the way, Balaam is berated by his donkey, who sees, before Balaam does, the angel that G‑d sends to block their way. Three times, from three different vantage points, Balaam attempts to pronounce his curses; each time, blessings issue forth instead. Balaam also prophesies on the end of the days and the coming of Moshiach.

The people fall prey to the charms of the daughters of Moab, and are enticed to worship the idol Peor. When a high-ranking Israelite official publicly takes a Midianite princess into a tent, Pinchas kills them both, stopping the plague raging among the people.

Micah 5:6-6:8

This week's haftorah makes mention of the incident of Balak the king of Moab hiring the sorcerer Balaam to curse the Jewish people — the main topic of this week's Torah reading.

The prophet Micah prophesies about what will occur after the war of Gog and Magog, the war which precedes the coming of the Messiah and the Final Redemption.

"And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples — like dew sent by G‑d, like torrents of rain upon vegetation that does not hope for any man and does not wait for the sons of men." The prophet describes how G‑d will remove the idols and sorcerers and how He will destroy the Jews' enemies.

The prophet Micah then goes on to rebuke the Jewish people for not observing G‑d's commandments, calling as witness the "mountains and hills" — a reference to the Patriarchs and Matriarchs — and reminding them of the great things G‑d had done for them. He took them out of Egypt and replaced the curses that Balaam son of Beor wanted to utter against them with blessings.

The Jewish people respond by saying that they do not know how to serve G‑d and ask for guidance. The prophet reminds them of the Torah, and that all they need to do is contained within it: "He has told you, O man, what is good, and what G‑d demands of you: but to do justice, love kindness, and walk discreetly with your G‑d."


There shall shoot forth a star out of Jacob (24:17)

This means that every Jew has a spark of the soul of Moshiach in his soul.

(Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov)

Submission to Emmanuel's? See here

This week on

Invitation - Weekly Women's Zoom Shiur 21/7/24


You are invited to join our interactive women's study group exploring foundations of Judaism.
Please note that our topics for the upcoming Shiurim are:
Sunday July 21st Insights into the 17th Tammuz
Sunday  July 28th Insights into the Three Weeks
Sunday August 4th Insights into Tisha B'Av Part 1
Sunday August 11th Insights into Tisha B'Av Part 2
Sunday August 18th Insights into the 15th of Av
This week, we will be exploring
'*Insights into the 17th Tammuz*'
When: Sunday July 21st, 2024
Time: 6pm-7pm
Speaker: Zipporah Oliver O.A.M.
In memory of Mrs Raizl Cylich OBM
Please join on Zoom: Meeting ID: 892 0846 8031
Passcode: 613770
Enquiries: 0438-345-770
I look forward to seeing you then!
Warmest regards,

Employment: PJ Library Director - New Position

New Position: PJ Library Director! Are you passionate about enriching children's lives through literature and Jewish culture? We're looking for a dynamic leader to oversee the PJ Library program in VIC and Beyond (WA, NT, QLD, SA & TAS), bringing engaging Jewish stories into families' homes.
Applications close Friday 2nd August
Apply here:

Property: Short term female accommodation rental available

Short term accomodate is available until August 4th. In a secure ground floor apartment on Balaclava Road.
Mehadrin kosher.
Phone 0493319825

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Fruit and vegetable platters

Fruit and vegetable platters available from $50 - $150
The following additions are available and will be priced accordingly: chocolates, nuts, carving and dips.
0480 171 310

Jewellery services

Jewellery services
-Cleaning and polishing of jewels.
-Rhodium plating (For diamond rings on white gold.)
-Repairs, (Rings, Earrings, Pendants, Necklaces, Bracelet
-Full restoration for antique jewels.
-Hand made make to order fine jewellery.
I am located at Balaclava rd. St. Kilda East
Please call – 0407827353 for appointment

Property: Discover Your Dream Home - Israel Real Estate Showcase

Coming to Melbourne! Thursday July 18th
In light of recent global events, interest in Israeli real estate is soaring. Join us for an exclusive event where you'll gain invaluable insights into the entire real estate process. From property search to financing and legalities, we've got you covered. Plus, get insider access to some of the hottest deals on the market! For security, specific venue details will be shared privately with registered attendees.
Register now!

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Property: Short term accommodation available (1 mo minimum)

Private Kosher - Kitchen BnB  St Kilda East / Ripponlea Quiet, Charming, Fully furnished, available July to Sep (1 month minimum) - references required (May also be available during Holidays) Suitable for Single, Couple or Couple with child Contact Lea on What'sApp +61426844770

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Monday 15 July 2024

New Israel entry ETA-IL

Currently free to apply during the pilot phase. If you have a rough idea of when you might go next and have a valid passport then you can save a bit of money by applying now.

Property: Short term female accommodation rental available

Short term accomodate is available until August 4th. In a secure ground floor apartment on Balaclava Road.
Mehadrin kosher.
Phone 0493319825

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.

Property: Discover Your Dream Home - Israel Real Estate Showcase

Coming to Melbourne! Thursday July 18th
In light of recent global events, interest in Israeli real estate is soaring. Join us for an exclusive event where you'll gain invaluable insights into the entire real estate process. From property search to financing and legalities, we've got you covered. Plus, get insider access to some of the hottest deals on the market! For security, specific venue details will be shared privately with registered attendees.
Register now!

Sponsored adThank you to our sponsors, who help pay for the costs of running this email service.