Jewish Care is now enrolling for the July intake of our Tuning In To Teens parent program.
Developed by the University of Melbourne, Tuning In To Teens is a 6-week group program that teaches parents and carers to better understand the developmental context of adolescence and recognise and respond to their teens' strong emotions. By identifying and validating feelings, parents strengthen the connection with their young person, often reporting a decrease in the conflict and challenges that are common in the adolescent years.
The program is facilitated in a warm and supportive environment with sensitivity for the needs of frum families. Program fees are flexible for families experiencing financial hardship.
Spaces are strictly limited. For further information or to register your interest, contact cbarrett@jewishcare.org.au
Every Jew, whether righteous or wicked, has two souls. . . . One soul . . . clothes itself in the person's blood to animate the body [and is the source of its egocentric drives and desires] . . . and the second soul of a Jew is literally a part of G‑d above [and is the source of the person's striving to unite with G‑d] . . .
The body is called a "small city": as two kings wage war over a city, each wishing to capture it and rule over it—that is to say, to govern its inhabitants according to his will, so that they obey him in all that he decrees for them—so do the two souls (the G‑dly [soul] and the vitalizing animal [soul] that derives from kelipah) wage war against each other over the body and all its organs and limbs.
The desire and will of the G‑dly soul is that it alone should rule over the person and direct him, and that all his limbs should obey it and surrender themselves completely to it and become a vehicle for it, and serve as a vehicle for its ten faculties [of intellect and emotion] and three "garments" [thought, speech and action] . . . and the entire body should be permeated with them alone, to the exclusion of any alien influence, G‑d forbid. . . . While the animal soul desires the very opposite . . .
And it came to pass on the third day (19:16)
A Galilean scholar lectured before Rabbi Chisda: "Blessed be the Merciful One who gave a three-fold Torah (consisting of Torah, Prophets and Scriptures) to a three-fold people (comprised of Kohanim, Levites and Israelites) through a third-born (Moses, the third child of Amram and Jocheved) on the third day in the third month.
(Talmud, Shabbat 88a)
BS'D MAZAL TOVOn the engagement ofRivkah Nutovics(Melbourne)TO Gaby Lefkovits(Melbourne)Mazal tov to the Parents Yaakov-Dovi and Shulamit (Jenny) Nutovics Nicole and Jeffrey Lefkovits Mazal tov to the Grandparents Mrs Ruth Gershov and Mrs Eva Lefkovits |
G‑d spoke to Moses in the desert of Sinai (1:1)
Fire, water and desert—by these we established our commitment to the Torah.
The first Jew, Abraham, was cast into a fiery furnace for his loyalty to the way of G‑d. And lest one say that this was an extraordinary act by an extraordinary individual, at the shores of the Red Sea an entire people plunged into the sea's waters when the divine command to "move forward!" issued forth. And lest one say that this was a spur-of-the-moment heroism, for forty years the people of Israel followed G‑d through the barren, hostile desert, trusting in Him to provide for them and protect them. As the prophet Jeremiah declaims, "I remember the kindness of your youth, your bridal love, your following after Me in the desert, in an unsown land."
(Rabbi Meir Shapira of Lublin)