Friday, 14 July 2023

Women’s Farbrengen - Shabbos Mevorchim Chodesh Menachem Av

Women's Farbrengen
Shabbos Mevorchim Chodesh Menachem Av

Women are warmly invited to farbreng together
at the home of
Zipporah Oliver OAM
13 Kurrajong Ave, E. St. Kilda
Motzei Shabbos Kodesh, 27th Tammuz 5783
15th July, 2023
at 8:00pm

The farbrengen will be held in honour of the birthdays of
Zipporah Oliver OAM & Rochele Odze

All ladies welcome.
Don't come alone - bring a friend or two!

…Let's help change Tisha B'Av to a Yom Tov

Enquiries: Please phone Zipporah Oliver O.A.M 0438 345 770