Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Matza Shmura from Mr S Gurewicz

Mr S Gurewicz would like to inform his customers and the community
that once again he will be distributing Shmura Matza as in the past.
Kfar Chabad including wholemeal 1 kg $58
 " " " " 1 lb $27
Harav Landau EXTRA THIN 1 lb $32
    " " " "
Rechayim shel yad 1 lb $40
Badatz 1 lb $28 
Komemiyus 1 kg $80
Rechayim shel yad 1 kg $90
box of 3 matza $12.50
box of 1 matza $ 5.00
The Matza will be available after Purim. Exact date TBA
Please order either by email: samuelg1@optusnet.com.au
or mobile 0408952583
27 Empress Rd E St Kilda 3183
