Tuesday 9 February 2021

BEIT RAFAEL Annual Pesach Raffle.

With gratitude to our donors, we are pleased to announce that BEIT RAFAEL is once again holding its Annual Pesach Raffle.
Selling at $18, the raffle gives one lucky family, an incredible prize worth almost $7000.00 - meat, fish, wine, groceries, erev Pesach meals, cleaning, dishwashing on Seder nights, jewellery, a freezer, air fryer, tablecloth are items among the price list.
To top it off, a night at Crown Towers to recuperate after Pesach.
All funds received enable BEIT RAFAEL to continue assisting those in our community who are struggling because of ill health.
We value your support and on behalf of those who will benefit, we thank you.
To buy or sell tickets please call us on 0421 408 522 
oe email us on admin@beitrafael.org
