Sunday, 6 December 2020

Wednesday Morning Parsha Shiur

"Following in the Footsteps of our Forefathers"
the weekly Parsha Shiur in memory of 
Shuli Mehlman, Liba Gutnick & Yael Bloch A"H 
All ladies & girls welcome.

Wednesday December 9 at 11.00 am
Rabbi Mark Steiner

Join Zoom meeting with one click:

Join Zoom meeting manually:
Meeting ID: 364 393 514
Passcode 770
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This is our last Shiur for 2020. We will iyH resume when the new school year begins in 2021. 
We take this opportunity to thank the following people for what they do לע''נ in memory of Shuli, Liba and Yael :ע''ה
Dr. Sara Rosenfeld and N'shei Chabad for facilitating Zoom and for their publicity
Emmanuels, Mizrachi and all those who spread the word
All our wonderful and talented speakers who give freely and willingly of their time to teach us Torah
All participants who continue to perpetuate this shiur.
Thank you and a Happy Chanukah!

Rose, Sara and Naomi
