This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim ("the Shabbat that blesses" the new month): a special prayer is recited blessing the Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") of the upcoming month of Kislev, which falls on Tuesday of next week.
Prior to the blessing, we announce the precise time of the molad, the "birth" of the new moon. See molad times.
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I am a stranger and a resident amongst you (23:4)
The Jew is a "resident" in the world, for the Torah instructs him not to escape the physical reality but to inhabit it and elevate it. Virtually all the mitzvot (divine commandments) of the Torah are physical actions involving physical objects, in keeping with the Jew's mission to make a "dwelling for G‑d in the material realm" by sanctifying the everyday materials of everyday life.
At the same time, the Jew feels himself a "stranger" in the material world. His true home is a higher, loftier place, the world of spirit, the world of holiness and G‑dliness from which his soul has been exiled and to which it yearns to return. Indeed, it is only because the Jew feels himself a stranger in the world that he can avoid being wholly consumed and overwhelmed by it, and maintain the spiritual vision and integrity required to elevate it and sanctify it as an abode for the Divine Presence.
(The Lubavitcher Rebbe)