Sunday, 29 November 2020

EMPLOYMENT: Ad for those seeking work - please post on behalf of Chabad ACT

Dear friends,
We have several job openings at the moment on offer for 2021.
We have this year opened Canberra's first Jewish day school which we are expanding for 2021 to years K-6, in addition to our longstanding Jewish Daycare and Preschool.
As there is a shortage of local Jewish talent in some of these areas of work, we would be delighted to have families/individuals from Melbourne who are looking for work or affordability (an average 3-4 bedroom house with a large garden in our neighbourhood, close to Shul, rents for $500 per week), to join our lovely small community and make Canberra with all it has to offer, home.
Jobs with Chabad ACT now available are as follows (we currently already employ a wonderful team of around 20 friendly staff):
A Kosher Cafe operator
A Primary School Teacher (General or Jewish Studies)
An Early Childhood Teacher (ECT)
An Early Childhood Educator (Room Leader)
A Director for our Long Daycare Centre
Administration officer
Security Guard
There is an ideal opportunity here for young families to have one or both parents employed and additional incentives of subsidised school and daycare fees for the children.
Please contact us if you are interested and please spread the word to those whom you feel this may be relevant.
Thanks so much and looking forward to welcoming you to Canberra soon!

May G-d bless you and very best regards,
Rabbi Shmueli Feldman

Rabbi of our Nation's Capital 
Chairman, Chabad ACT Ltd 
Director, Gan Yisroel Community and Childcare Centre 
Board Chair, Canberra Jewish School
Rabbinic Authority, Canberra Kosher
Hon Jewish Chaplain to the Canberra Hospitals, the ANU & the ACT ESA

3 Gari Place Giralang, 
Canberra ACT 2617 Australia

W    +612 6241 9181
M     +61 431 677 805

Skype: ShmueliFeldman
Twitter: #CanberraRabbi
Facebook: Chabad ACT
Linkedin: Shmueli Feldman
