Wednesday 2 September 2020

The Tefilah Guide - to prepare for High Holidays at home

Given the unique circumstances that we have seen under lockdowns that have prevented our Jewish community from going to the shules for months, we have recognized an increased need to prepare our communities psychologically and spiritually for the High Holidays in novel and engaging ways.

Hamayan Shule in collaboration with Blake Street Shule (both in Melbourne, Australia) have developed a multimedia Tefilah Guide to the High Holidays, featuring; Audio, Video, and Printed content. 

The Tefilah Guide can be found at

This website and the accompanying support materials will hopefully give your tefilot/prayers over the Yamim Noraim that extra bit of energy through the nigunnim on

We wish everyone a Shana Tova U'metuka.

The Tefilah Guide team:
Rav Noam Sendor

Zalmy Glassner, producer

Rabbi Dovid Shmerling

Melbourne, Australia
