Additionally, in the outlying areas of Jewish Melbourne, members of the community will be able to book to hear shofar at various parks, whilst observing strict timetabling and social distancing.
A detailed schedule of Shofar blowing times and locations will be published on the Project High Holyday website in the coming days. Please go to this website for all relevant information regarding when you will be able to hear Shofar.
The RCV acknowledges and shares the Community's deep feeling of disappointment that our Synagogues are closed this Yom Tov, and that is why the RCV is undertaking one of its largest ever projects. Instead of you coming to the Synagogue to hear the Shofar, the Shofar will come to you!
We are sure that the combined efforts of hundreds of dedicated shofar blowers, the support of the Community and the prayers and blessings of tens of thousands of Jews as they hear shofar on the day we coronate Hashem as King, will resonate to the eternal credit of the community and guarantee us a New Year filled with simcha, nachat and good health.
We acknowledge the steadfast and continuing support of David Southwick, MP for Caulfield, who has literally been in touch with us every day through this process and has exemplified leadership and represented our Community with a strong and clear voice.
We also express our gratitude to Josh Burns, Federal MP for Macnamara, Nina Taylor MP for the Southern Metropolitan Region and Paul Hamer MP for Boxhill.
In closing, the RCV continues its dialogue with the Government in relation the Community's requirements and in particular its needs for the remainder of our Tishrei Chagim.
Wishing you and your family a הבוט המיתחו הביתכ May the coming year bring only peace and blessing to לארשי ללכ
Rabbi Philip Heilbrunn OAM
President, Rabbinical Council Victoria
For further information please contact