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When you go out to war on your enemies, the L‑rd your G‑d shall deliver them into your hands (Deuteronomy 21:10)
The Hebrew phrase al oyvecha, "on your enemies," can also be understood in the literal sense of "on top of your enemies." In every battle, the way to achieve victory is to gain the higher ground. We must never stoop to the level of evil to fight it on its own terms; in the words of our sages, "One who wrestles with a filthy person becomes dirtied as well." Rather, we should rise above it, affirming our belief that there is no true existence other than G‑d, and that nothing contrary to His goodness and truth has any real power. When our going to war is in a manner of "on your enemies," we are guaranteed that "G‑d shall deliver them into your hands."
(The Chassidic Masters)