Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Book publishing
The Power of Avnei HaHoshen & Crystals
PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY'S VISUAL HISTORY - Transfer videotapes to digital
Michal Photography - Child and Family Photographer
SCHC -‘Rebuilding after Destruction’
Wednesday Morning Parsha Shiur - Please NOTE CHANGE
Parsha Shiur with Rabbi L Broh
Sunday, 28 June 2020
Final Sunday trading - Shu-Mart
Good morning Shu-Mart family
This is our last weekend trading in Glen Huntly!
We are open Sunday 12-4
Let's make our last weekend a memorable one, we would love to see as many of you as we can!
There's still lots of bargains to be had! Why not pop in, say hi and see what you can find!
Thank you for your support over the years!
See you soon
Team @ Shu-Mart
St Kilda Shule Shiurim
St Kilda Shule Shiurim
St Kilda Shule: Kabbalah Shiur
St Kilda Shule's Rabbi Yaakov Glasman presents his Kabbalah Shiur, 'Why should I follow G-d's commandments if I don't agree with them?', Monday June 29, 7.45pm on zoom.us/j/720080464
St Kilda Shule: Talmud for Everyone Shiur
St Kilda Shule's Rabbi Hillel Nagel presents his Talmud for Everyone Shiur 'Halacha and modern technology' (part 2), Tuesday June 30, 7.30pm on zoom.us/j/720080464
Friday, 26 June 2020
Shabbos Tzetl: Korach
Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel for Shabbos Parshas Korach.
Please click here to view the PDFs of the Weekly Publications previously distributed in Shule each Shabbos.
Wishing you a Good Shabbos!
Yeshivah Shule
Korach . . . the son of Yitzhar, the son of Kehat, the son of Levi (16:1)
What moved him to start a quarrel? He was moved to it by the fact that Elitzafan, the son of his father's brother, was appointed prince over his family, as it says, "The prince of the father's house of the families of the Kehatites was Elitzafan the son of Uzziel" (Numbers 3:30). Korach argued: My father was one of four brothers, as it says, "The sons of Kehat: Amram, and Yitzhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel" (Exodus 4:18). As for Amram the firstborn, his son Aaron attained to greatness, and Moses to royalty. Who then should rightly take the next office? Is it not the next in line? Now I, being the son of Yitzhar, should by right be the leader of the Kehatites. Yet Moses appointed the son of Uzziel! Shall the [son of the] youngest of my father's brothers be superior to me? Behold, I shall dispute his decision and put to naught all that has been arranged by him . . .
(Midrash Rabbah; Rashi)
SCHC - Making Cholent with Rabbi Rabin
St Kilda Shule: daily and Shabbat services
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Shiur in Memory of Rabbi Groner ZL
All men & women are invited to join together in memory of
Rabbi YD Groner Z"L
on the occasion of his twelfth Yartzeit for a Shiur with
Rabbi Moshe New (Montreal)
Friday morning, 4 Tammuz, June 26th
11am - 12 Midday (Melbourne Time)
Zoom ID: 9725309955
password: chabadge
For further details please click here or see the flyer below.
Hatzolah Beyond the Crisis Campaign
St Kilda Shule's Online Trivia Quiz
Ruti Spiegelman Photography
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
SCHC - From ‘little Africa’ to Judaism
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2020 AT 7:30 PM
Baby and kids loungewear sale!
TIME Added- Shiur tonight with Rabbi Leor Broh
Kollel Menachem presents a special Parsha Shiur this evening with Rabbi Leor Broh
Tonight at 8:30 pm
Topic: "Don't put my name in their Machlokes"
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 730 505 7983
Password: 613
TOMORROW - Join our first ever Charidy campaign!
A perfect time for your EOFY giving. All donations fully tax deductible
Bar mitzvah teaching
Empower Torah- NOW
The Kollel has a great opportunity!
We invite you to join us spurring the Kollel ahead to increasing and unceasing Torah study
Now live at www.charidy.com/kollelm
A perfect time for your EOFY giving. All donations fully tax deductible
Kollel Menachem is here to make Torah learning accessible to all. Partner with us to ensure ongoing Torah learning in our community!
Zooming and Booming: Instead of downscaling, the COVID-19 virus has been a time of growth and expansion for the Kollel. Our online presence and increased volume of shiurim have touched thousands of participants from across Australia.
In the last 2 months alone, we have hosted over 160 feature shiurim and more than 2600 individual attendees and 54,000 minutes of Torah study!
With programs like our daily retirees' shiurim, we have provided a vital service of connecting and engaging the elderly and vulnerable members of our community during this time. Our Kollel Rabbis are devoted to teaching and sharing the wisdom of Torah through one-on-one study and enriching classes and learning programs. The Kollel enables them to advance their learning and training to become the future Rabbis, community leaders and teachers in Jewish communities within Australia and throughout the world. Your support will greatly help us in our work and enable us to expand our activities and offerings to the community.
The Kollel was established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe through the efforts of Rabbi Y. D. Groner.
Gimmel Tammuz is the Hilulah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe* and the 4th of Tammuz is the Yartzheit of Rabbi Groner. At this auspicious time, help us to actualise the Rebbe's vision; that the Kollel be a home and source of light to every member of the Jewish community.
*On the Hilulah of the Frierdike Rebbe, the Rebbe instructed that "In the morning, before prayer, charity should be given to causes associated with our Nasi, my revered father-in-law, of sainted memory. Donations should be made on behalf of oneself and on behalf of each member of one's family. The same should be done before Minchah"
Monday, 22 June 2020
Mazel tov! Baby boy! Adelist (Lowinger) 👶🏻
Gila and Heshy Adelist (nee Lowinger)
on the birth of a
Moshe Raphael (Mikey)
on 11 June, 2020 (20 Sivan)
Baby brother to Emma
Mazel Tov to the Grandparents:
Sally Lowinger
Trina & Yossi Adelist
Mazel Tov to the Great Grandparent:
Jack Carroll (Brisbane)
Massive Live event starting 11:30am today on TorahAnytime
Norman Swan in conversation with Rachelle Unreich
Wednesday Morning Parsha Shiur
Michal Photography, Child and Family Photographer
Sunday, 21 June 2020
Mazal tov! Engagement Yehuda Simon to Shevi Horwitz
With praise and gratitude to Hashem, we are thrilled to announce the engagement of Yehuda Simon to Shevi Horwitz.
Mazel tov to Grandparents:
Rabbi Dovid & Itta Simon (Raanana, Israel) and Chana Simon (Netanya, Israel)
Rosh Kollel Rabbi Dovid and Ilana Horwitz (Raanana, Israel)
Mazel tov to Great-grandparents:Torah- Our Legacy
What a big week ahead!
We invite you to join us spurring the Kollel ahead to increasing and unceasing Torah study
Save the date for our first ever Charidy campaign!
A perfect time for your EOFY giving. All donations fully tax deductible
Kollel Menachem is here to make Torah learning accessible to all. Partner with us to ensure ongoing Torah learning in our community!
Zooming and Booming: Instead of downscaling, the COVID-19 virus has been a time of growth and expansion for the Kollel. Our online presence and increased volume of shiurim have touched thousands of participants from across Australia.
In the last 2 months alone, we have hosted over 160 feature shiurim and more than 2600 individual attendees and 54,000 minutes of Torah study!
With programs like our daily retirees' shiurim, we have provided a vital service of connecting and engaging the elderly and vulnerable members of our community during this time.
Our Kollel Rabbis are devoted to teaching and sharing the wisdom of Torah through one-on-one study and enriching classes and learning programs.
The Kollel enables them to advance their learning and training to become the future Rabbis, community leaders and teachers in Jewish communities within Australia and throughout the world.
Your support will greatly help us in our work and enable us to expand our activities and offerings to the community.
The Kollel was established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe through the efforts of Rabbi Y. D. Groner.
Gimmel Tammuz is the Hilulah of the Lubavitcher Rebbe* and the 4th of Tammuz is the Yartzheit of Rabbi Groner. At this auspicious time, help us to actualise the Rebbe's vision; that the Kollel be a home and source of light to every member of the Jewish community.
*On the Hilulah of the Frierdike Rebbe, the Rebbe instructed that "In the morning, before prayer, charity should be given to causes associated with our Nasi, my revered father-in-law, of sainted memory. Donations should be made on behalf of oneself and on behalf of each member of one's family. The same should be done before Minchah"
Upcoming Events at Brighton Shule
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87049008485
Meeting ID: 87049008485
Kovetz Gimmel Tammuz
Please find below a Kovetz in honour of Gimmel Tammuz, in both Hebrew and English, containing letters of the Rebbe (including relevant customs on pages 5-7), Maamarim, Mishnayos and Tanya.
Kovetz Gimmel Tammuz Hebrew Version (70 pages): goo.gl/V7HxLC
Kovetz Gimmel Tammuz Heb/Eng Version (92 pages / includes letters in English and Mishnayos with English Translation): goo.gl/SzC1IA
If printing, bear in mind that these files are intended as A5 booklets. If printing to regular A4, adjust your print-settings accordingly.
We are grateful to Young Yeshivah for producing and sharing this with us.
May we merit the Hisgalus of Moshiach immediately!
Yeshivah Shule
The entire community is invited to join in commemorating Gimmel Tammuz with Rabbi Shais Taub and Rabbi Noam Wagner, Thursday, Gimmel Tammuz 5780 - June 25th 2020 at 8pm www.youngyeshivah.com.au/virtual.
TorahAnytime Melbourne campaign
Fwd: SCHC - Doing Life with Mandela!
St Kilda Shule: Kabbalah Shiur, Rabbi Glasman
Friday, 19 June 2020
Shabbos Tzetl: Shlach & Mevarchim
This Shabbat is Shabbat Mevarchim ("the Shabbat that blesses" the new month): a special prayer is recited blessing the Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") of the upcoming month of Tammuz, which falls on Monday and Tuesday of the coming week.
Prior to the blessing, we announce the precise time of the molad, the "birth" of the new moon. See molad times.
Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel for Shabbos Mevorchim Tammuz, Parshas Shlach.
Please click here to view the PDFs of the Weekly Publications previously distributed in Shule each Shabbos.
Send out for yourself men (Numbers 13:2)
"Send out for yourself"—as your mind dictates. I am not instructing you; if you so desire, send. For the people of Israel had come to Moses, saying "Let us send men before us," as it is written (Deuteronomy 1:22), "You all approached me . . ."; and Moses consulted with G‑d. Said G‑d: I have said that it is a good land. . . . By your life, I shall now give you the option to err . . .
(Rashi; Talmud)