Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Mazel Tov Gouraries, It's a Boy! 👶🏻


We would like to wish Mazel tov to

Levi & Chaya Gourarie (Sydney)

on the birth of their baby boy.

A warm Mazel tov to the grandparents
Michoel & Dina Gourarie (Sydney) 
Hershel & Debbie Herbst

and also a warm Mazel tov to the great-grandparents
Ilona Herbst 
Reuben & Ruth Wein 
Winnie Gourarie (Johannesburg) 
Libby Zweibel (Morristown, N.J.)

May the newborn be a source of nachas to his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. May he grow up to be zocheh to Torah, chuppah and maasim tovim.

The information contained in this email may be based on information provided directly to the Yeshivah Centre, or based on information circulated on other sites.

Wishing you a Happy Shavuos, Kabbolas HaTorah Bsimcha Ubpnimius!
