Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Amazing Israel (Escape) Adventure Game for Yom Ha'Atzmaut!

Great activity just in time for Yom Ha'Atzmaut!

Join the "Israeli Adventure" game that can be played (in English or in Hebrew) anywhere in the world without leaving home! The game is accompanied by an interactive website.
The "Israeli Adventure" includes riddles about places in Israel, historical events, Israeli personalities and inventions - all of which you can solve even without prior knowledge. After registering, you'll receive a document with clues and a link to an interactive website that accompanies the game.
The whole operation takes about an hour to complete and is suitable for children from ages 8 & up (but will challenge teens and adults, too).
The game costs only $9 (USD) for the whole family!
You can also organize a group purchase for your whole community for only $250 (USD)!
The game is brought to you by the Israeli company "Betzofen Maftiya", creators of many popular escape room games.

Details and registration here: https://rebrand.ly/ATZMAUT-GAME