Friday, 13 March 2020

Yeshivah Shule Tzetel & Health Policy

At this stage, the Yeshivah Centre remains closed until Friday and an update will be sent in regards to whether or not the Centre will reopen for Shabbos. If BE"H the Centre does reopen, the tefillos in Shule will resume from Friday afternoon. 

Please click here to view the Yeshivah Shule Tzetel for Parshas Ki Sisa.

In addition to the Centre policies and DHHS advice being sent out, the following are being requested of people who wish to attend the Main Shule.

1. Anyone arriving from overseas is asked not to come to the Shule for a period of 7 days. This should allow time for notification of Close contact during travel.

2. People coming to Shule are expected to use hand soap / sanitizer before coming to Shule. The Centre cannot be providing sufficient quantities for the entire community.  

3. People should not linger in Shule after davening concludes. This Shabbos, kiddushim have been cancelled, and the Shule will be closed from midday until 6pm for Mincha.

As the situation in the community progresses, there may be further communications from the Center and/or DHHS, which the Shule will review if any changes to these are warranted.

The Yeshivah Shule Committee