Sunday, 15 March 2020

St Kilda Shule Shiurim (online)

ANNOUNCEMENT from St Kilda Shule

St Kilda Shule is aware that some people may be concerned about attendance at our popular shiurim. You need not be concerned. We are so keen to continue our shiur programme that we have added to our programme by introducing a new weekly shiur to our line-up. Chazzan Brett Kaye will commence a weekly parashah shiur at 10:00am on Wednesday morning and we hope you'll participate in this shiur.


To participate in a shiur, please:
go to on your computer and download the plugin;
download the zoom app on your phone

You can also do this a few minutes before the shiur commences but allow a few minutes for the installation. If you do this at the commencement time of the shiur you will miss the first few minutes.

Note that you will be able to see and hear the shiur presenter and all participants will be able to hear each other (you will need a microphone on your computer or allow the app to use your phone microphone if you wish to be heard) but the video of the participants will be disabled. You can also ask questions during the shiur via the zoom chat.


1. Rabbi Glasman's Monday night Kabbalah shiur at 7:30-8:10pm

2. Rabbi Nagel's fortnightly Tuesday night "Talmud for Everyone" shiur at 7:30pm-8:10pm
This week's topic: Corona Virus and Jewish Law.
Rabbi Ronnie Figdor OAM will explore issues such as getting married while in quarantine, joining a minyan using technology and suspension of halachah due to pikuach nefesh.

3. ***NEW*** Chazzan Brett Kaye's Wednesday morning Parashah shiur at 10:00-10:40am

"See you" at our shiurim