Sunday, 2 February 2020

Dance with Faigy Friedman!!

Dance with Faigy Friedman!!

Ladies now its your turn to D-A-N-C-E! 
Finally a Fun and intense dance class within the frum community! 
Includes lots of stretch, strengthening and contemporary dancing.

Classes will be held in the Hashy studio from 8-9 Tuesday eve. For 1 term only. 
For more info email or call/text 0480 171 532.
Does your daughter love to dance?
Ballet classes starting this new school term. Groups for all ages.
Check out the latest additional classes!

Term begins: Sunday 2nd Feb.

Sunday 10.30-11.15: 3-4 yrs
Sunday 11.15-12.05: 5-6 yrs
Sunday 12.15- 1.15: 9-11 yrs 
Tuesday 20.00-21.00: 18+ yrs

Limited spaces, book early to avoid disappointment. 
