Thursday, 10 October 2019

Shuk Sukkos invite the community

R' Dovid L Shmerling & R' Binny Fogelgarn of Shuk Sukkos invite the community to stop in for a Lulav & Esrog, Sukkah or bamboo schach.

@ Hamayan 638 Inkerman Rd, ( cnr Kooyong and Inkerman Rds, N. Caulfield)

Shuk sukkos Opening  Hours:

Thurs 1-4pm & 7.30-11.30pm

Fri 11am-3pm

Motzei Shabbos 9-11.30pm

Sun 9am-3pm

For sukkah, bamboo or sukkah building, please call 0401 921 812. 
For Lulav and esrog, pop in and we'll be happy to serve you.