Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Emmanuel's 9th April

More ads: https://goo.gl/oFGoZy

Rabbi Kennard's weekly shiur in Mizrachi, learning, analysing and understanding each Rashi in the Chumash, catering to Uni students in particular, is now available to the whole community as a weekly podcast.

Search for "Rashi with Rabbi Kennard" on itunes or other podcast platforms, or follow the link here.


We are pleased to release English Booklets of Halachos of the Seder, for your home study. 

Please click here 


Kollel Menachem presents-  Halachos of the Seder Night (for men)

with Rabbi Michoel Stern


TONIGHT Tuesday 9 April- 4 Nissan

8:40 -9:30 PM

In the Lunchroom


The Kollel Menachem

Pesach Kashering Service

Will take place on

Monday April 15 – Nissan 10


At the Werdiger Hall Kitchen 90 Hotham Street, St Kilda East

Enquiries 9522 8260, kollel@yeshivahcentre.org

Donations accepted, Proceeds benefit Kollel Menachaem Lubavitch  

Please ensure that all vessels being kashered have been thoroughly cleaned and have not been used for the past 24 hours


As per last year, we are delighted to once again offer the convenience to perform the Mitzvah of Mechiras Chometz online. The form must be filled in before 8:00am Friday 19th April 2019. The designated chometz should not be touched after 11:30am that day. The chometz will be permitted for use once again after 7:00pm on Motzei Shabbos 27th April 2019. For further details and to sell your Chometz please click here.

Feel free to forward the form link to friends and family.

Wishing you a Kosher & Freilachen Pesach! 


Get Ready for Pesach with Brighton Hebrew Congregation

Join us on Tuesday 9 April at 8 pm to listen to Rabbi Alex and Rebbetzin Ahuva's Shiur

"Insights Into the Hagaddah"

132 Marriage Road, East Brighton. Tel: 03 9592 9179

All welcome

Flyer Attached


Pesach Fun with Bev from the PJ Library, at the Lamm Jewish Library of Australia.
All children 0-3 years old! Come along for music, story time, toys and Pesach craft . No charge. Off-street parking and ramp access  available. 

Classified Ads: https://goo.gl/ff5PR2

Six Parallels South Pesach Special Offer

To celebrate the release of its new Single Vineyard series for Pesach, Six Parallels South is offering a special discount over its entire range! To ensure delivery before chag, Sydney orders must be received before April 11th and Melbourne orders before April 15th. Buy wine here - http://www.6psouth.com/current-release-wines


Pesach Kashering

Dear Customers,

As we are coming closer to Pesach, now is the time to be thinking about Pesach Kashering.

For your convenience, please click on the following link to complete the easy-to-use booking form: https://goo.gl/forms/X99hSnpNz6AlWc6v1

If you have trouble accessing the above form, please call Motty on 0431 809 500 or email: motty2@hotmail.com

Get in quick, as spaces fill up fast.

Thank you.



Let us take the stress out of Pesach.  At Peter Unger Catering we can organise a few dishes, a seder plate or your whole seder meal.  We have a full menu to choose from to make your Pesach simple.
Charoset, Moroccan fish, hazelnut meringue cake are a few of our favourite items.
Call us now on 03 8552 0300 or email your request to info@peterunger.com.au.  We are always happy to tailor a menu to your requirements.  Or maybe just select a few items from our menu to add to your own to make life easier.
Pesach sameach,
Peter Unger Catering
Download Pesach Menu


Knotted, tense muscles?

Ladies Remedial Massage may be able to assist!  Treatments range from Trigger Point Therapy and massage to stretch recommendations and injury prevention.

Taking bookings NOW. Evening and Sunday bookings available.

Call / Sms Lauren on 0411520515


At Chai Books


Yeshivah Shule, Young Yeshivah & Daminyan invite all men to a 

Pre Pesach Wine tasting evening

Thursday April 11 in the Goldhirsch Hall 7-9pm

Tickets  online here  Early Bird Ticket Special Ends TODAY

There will be 15% off all wines on the night, plus the $20 ticket Becomes a $20 discount voucher for any purchases


We have 49 preloved soft cover copies of Artscroll Youth Haggadot in excellent condition to give away.

And also 15 brand new Transliterated Haggadot to give away.

Please contact Ros on 0419952762


Banner pre-Pesach sale


Please contact Moshe Navarro for all handyman services.
He offers discounts for elderly and pensioners.
Moshe's number is 0402195011


Malka Cleaning


Kapla style blocks sale

More ads: https://goo.gl/m8sURx

More ads: https://goo.gl/SKV1PD

If you hear of anyone coming to Melbourne and needing a place to stay, you can check out the Airbnb link. Feel free to pm with any questions (or call 0434266637). (Dates are blocked to ensure the apartment stays strictly kosher - references will be requested. Discount available for longer stays)

More ads: https://goo.gl/3Smv6a

Ladies, I am having a Pre-Pesach, Marie Kondo style wardrobe clear out. Lots of gorgeous tznius wear - skirts, dresses, tops, jackets etc. All sizes!

Gorman, Cos, Metalicus, FCUK, MOSS, Mesop, Dizingof etc.! 

Come and grab a bargain. 


Sun. 7th April., 2 - 5 p.m. 

Sun. 14th April, 12 - 3 p.m.

Text for address details: 0403 532 990



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